Since 2011, I've organized the Maryland Science Center Domino Drops as community participation
events allowing local engineers & students to work together on chain reaction projects.

As an engineer and a commercial domino artist, this is my way of sharing with the Baltimore community.

I've attached links to a few items the domino & STEM communities may appreciate:
Domino inspired math problems I've used with school groups (scoll to end of page for the answers)
Maryland Science Center video links. See"Oh Gee, More Dominoes" on youtube for more of my work

Oh Gee, More Dominoes

Enjoy - Scott

Maryland Science Center Topples volunteer's YouTube Links

2016 Topple - Space Theme 2017 Topple - Maryland Theme 2019 Topple - Life Rising Theme 2021 Topple - STEM + Art = STEAM

Math Puzzler Answers

I'd like to my high school friend "Domino" Dan for starting me on this chain reaction in 1979